Workwear Centre

New E-commerce Website
Workwear Centre
Better Branding!
This workwear supplier in Co Tipperary was looking for a more modern appearance along with some much need e-commerce functionality.
While their old website functioned fine, for the most part, orders were coming in, payments were being processed, Kelly, from the Workwear Centre, felt the website was missing “Something”, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what “Something” was.
So, with a little investigation, we ascertained that their old website had many features like “Wholesale Pricing” “Membership Signup” and a few other features that simply were not working and were not being used. But more importantly! The website was missing one of the most important features in any modern e-commerce website. The ability for the customer to filter through products by “Brand”. Some customers want to browsers your shop, but others, just want to find what they want as fast as possible then pay for it. One of the fastest ways modern shoppers filter through your shop’s catalogue is by looking for the “Brand” they want. It also greatly improves your website’s SEO value if you use brands at a filterable element.
So we removed all unnecessary features that were just simply not working, revamped the whole website giving it a new vibrant appearance and feel and we also built in a full brand filtering system, along with other necessary features. Visit the website and see yourself.
E-commerce Ready

All our E-commerce websites…
Are built with one purpose in mind, one single goal. “How to maximise sales!”…
Mobile Friendly

All our websites are…
Designed with mobile users in mind, giving them the best user experience possible.
Fully Responsive

All our websites are…
Built to adapt to the screen size of the device displaying the website.
Integrated CMS

All our websites…
Come with a full content management system (CMS) ready to go.
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